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Welcome to RVing Live The Dream!
We are the French family Scott, Debi, Chris, and our pups Cleo and Jazmine.
It all started with a dream.
Like most kids we grew up camping, enjoying marshmallows on an open fire and
cold rainy nights in a tent, but heck that was most of the fun!

Sisterly Love
As we drove home I would see a class A motorhome driving down the road with a car in tow.
I remember saying to myself “someday I am going to have one of those and travel the country.”
Christmas week 2010 I had a dream, I decided to it was time to make my dream a reality and go RV shopping.
Much to my surprise, it was quite easy to convince my husband and son to come along, little did they know our life was about to change forever.
(Between you and me I don’t think they thought I was really going to do it, after all, we had so much STUFF in our home)
Well, in May 2010 we purchased “Winnie” our first Class A motorhome, a 1999 Winnebago Adventurer. What a fitting name “Adventurer” that’s what I wanted to live an adventurous life!
Our first trip in Winnie was up North to a family wedding. My family thought I was nuts, we had sold our home and got rid of 90% of our possessions.
The other 10% was in 4 storage areas! What a waste of money that was. Four years later and thousands of dollars later we decided to sell, donate, and give it all away.
After watching many, many, many, youtube videos I realized that there were people out there just like me. Living The Dream…RVing.
In 2015 we decided to share our travels on YouTube and that is when “RVing Live The Dream” was started. Every event turned into a video.
We hope you enjoy the videos and realize that anyone can Live The Dream…RVing.
Home is where you park it and this is how we roll!

“The Beast” to some “The Beacon” to others